Preface to Colonoscopy Preparation- By: Zane Bernays

Description : The aim of the colonoscopy preparation is to completely eliminate stool from the colon so that colonoscopy tube can be used by your doctor uninterruptedly to examine intestinal walls to diagnose abdominal problems. This preparation is done in several effective ways as per the need of patient.

Colonoscopy preparation is applied to the patients who have to undergo the process of diagnosis of abdominal problems as gastroenterologists have to examine colon and rectum of the patients through a colonoscopy tube. Colonoscopy tube has a camera and light at the end so that it can take images of the interior of rectum and colon to detect the problems more precisely.

Colonoscopy preparation includes the removal of stool from the colon and it is done after giving sedative injection to the patient to make the process painless for him. The cleaning of colon enables doctor to do colonoscopy easily and effectively. Colonoscopy preparation can be done by various methods. Colonoscopy preparation is done basically for the purpose of cleaning the abdomen from the any desecration collected in it which can enable the doctor to locate any kind of infection or other problem in the patient's intestines. It should be done with care to be effective.

Home preparation method: If doctor prescribes, colonoscopy preparation can be done at home. For home colonoscopy preparation doctor provides a gallon jug with a power mix which is to be used by the patient to clear out the colon. The power mix is dissolved in water filled in the jug and a dose of 8oz is taken at the interval of 10 minutes till the stool clears out or the gallon gets finished. Normally evacuation starts after fist few doses of this drink but usually people give up drinking the mixture till it clears out completely.

Clinical preparation method: if the elimination is not done completely through drinking mixture then an enema will be required to be taken by the patient in the clinic of the physician as the clinical colonoscopy preparation process. Enema is also given to the patients who feel nausea to drink gallon of drink.

Several tips are also prescribed to be followed for effective colonoscopy preparation as:

The anal discomfort elimination can be reduced by using water spray or adult wet wipes in place of toilet paper to clean rectal region. The patient must have adequate quantity of liquid ready for drinking when needed as it is important. To avoid repeating the process of colonoscopy preparation patient should follow the instructions of the physician. If you find it difficult to follow the instruction of colonoscopy preparation then call on your doctor or go to his clinic initially and do the process in his presence.

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Author Resource : Read more details Colonoscopy Preparation and Colonoscopy Procedure.